There are some definitions, samples, and explanations about Math (asked by IKA INDRIYATI) that I wrote in English as result by reading the dictionary, reading some of English books, download internet, reading Mr.Marsigit's blog, and also follow Mr.Marsigit's class (English1 subject lesson).
1. Luas daerah lingkaran dalam : area of an interior circle
Luas : area, extent, broad, scope
Lingkaran : circle
Lingkaran dalam : interior circle ; inscribed circle
2. Pangkat tiga : cubed
Definition : result of multiplying a number by itself twice
Example : 3 cubed is 27
3. Pangkat : (Math) degree, power
Example :empat pangkat lima = four to the 5th power ; dipangkatkan tujuh : raised to the 7th power
3. Teknik pengintegralan : integration tehnique
Definition :
Integration is a important concept in mathematics, specifically in the field of calculus and, more broadly, mathematically analysis.
Given a function f of a real variable x and an interval [a,b] of the real line, the integral is defined informally to be the net signed area of the region in the xy-plane bounded by the graph of f, the x-axis, and the vertical lines x=a and x=b.
Teknik : tehnique
Integral : integral
Pengintegralan : integration
4. Limas segiempat beraturan : regular quadrangle pyramid
Definition :
In geometry, a pyramid is a polyhedron formed by connecting a polygonal base and a point, called the apex. Each base edge and apex form a triangle. It is conic solid with polygonal base. Pyramid can have from three to a virtual unlimited amount of sides.
Limas : pyramid
Segiempat : quadrangle
Beraturan : regular
5. Prisma tegak : right prism
Definition : Right prism is a prism in which the joining edges and faces are perpendicular to the base faces.
Prisma : prism
Tegak : vertical; right
6. Ekuivalen dengan : equivalent with
Definiton : that has the same function, importance, etc.
Example : x + 1 = 3 equivalent with x = 2
7. Turunan fungsi : derivative function
Turunan : derivative
8. Matrik eselon baris : row echelon matrix
9. Garis bagi sudut : bisector angle
Garis bagi : bisector
10. Sudut sepihak : unilateral angle
Sepihak : unilateral
11. Saling penyiku : complementary
Definition :
a pair of angles are complementary if the sum of their measures is 90 degrees.
Penyiku : complementary
12. Berpotongan tegak lurus dengan bidang : cutting plane perpendicular
Berpotongan : cutting
Tegak lurus : upright, perpendicular
Bidang : plane
13. Sudut di antara dua bidang : dihedral planes
14. Mencari tinggi bangun kerucut : look for (calculate) the altitude of cone
Cone is a three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat, round base to a point called the apex or vertex.
Kerucut : cone
Tinggi; ketinggian : altitude
15. Segiempat tak beraturan : irregular quadrangle
Tak beraturan : irregular
Segiempat : quadrangle
16. Segitiga siku-siku : right-angle triangle
Segitiga : triangle
siku-siku : right
17. Jika dan hanya jika saling berpelurus : if suplementary each other
Berpelurus : suplementary
18. Luas bidang segiempat : area of rectangle
19. Berpikir secara matematika dan logis : think mathematically and logically
Definiton : logic is science or method of organized reasoning (sensible reasoning)
Berpikir : think
Secara matematika : mathematically
Logis : logically
20. Himpunan semesta dari : universal set of
Set is a collection of distinct objects, considered as an object in its own right.
Himpunan : set
semesta : universe
21. Tali busur : chord
Busur : arc
22. Juring lingkaran : section of a circle
23. Sudut kelling lingkaran : cricumference angle of a circle
Keliling lingkaran : circumference of a circle
24. Sudut dalam berseberangan : interior alternates angles
Berseberangan : alternate
25. Sudut berlainan pihak : other side of angle
Pihak : side
26. Irisan 2 bidang sejajar : the section of two parallel planes
Irisan : slice; section
sejajar : parallel
27. Menggambar garis asimtot : draw asymptot line
Menggambar : draw
28. Sudut lurus : straight angle
29. Sumbu simetri : axis of symmetry
Sumbu : axis
Symmetry : simetri
Definition :
The axis of symmetry of two-dimensional figure is a line such that, if a perpendicular is constructed, any two points lying on the perpendicular at equal distances from the axis of symmetry are identical.
Another way to think about it is that if the shape were to be folded in half over the axis, the two halves would be identical: the two halves are each other's mirror image.
I think that's all of my answer to Ika Indriyati's questions.
I hope it can help Ika to learn and communicate mathematics in English.
If there are any mistakes in my answer (opinion), I'm so sorry.
I promise I will study hard to complete and develop my knowledge about mathematic especially in English.
I'm very glad if somebody who read my article can develop his/her knowledge.. and also can correction of my article ( thank you so much).
My reference :
Glosarium Matematika by Djati Kerami and Ellya Iswati.
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